These vision board printables are an easy way to add empowering words to your vision board. If you’re like me and love the idea of a vision board but lack the knack for arts and crafts, these are for you!

What is a Vision Board?
A vision board is simply a collage of your dreams or goals. It’s a visual representation of what you want your life to be.
By creating a highly visible display of your life goals, you focus more on achieving them. It’s easy to let our long-term goals fall to the bottom of our priority lists because they aren’t urgent. It’s less likely to happen if they’re staring you in the face every day.
How Do I Make a Vision Board?
There are many ways to create your vision board, but I’m going to talk about the easiest.
- Get a large piece of poster board
- Cut out pictures and captions from a magazine
or catalog that symbolize the life you want
- Glue the pictures and words onto the board
- Write in or draw quotes, words, and images for dreams you don’t have pictures for
- Hang somewhere that you’ll see it every day
Even EASIER Vision Board Creation
Okay, hopefully you’ve realized that making a vision board is so easy, even a child could do it. In fact, it’s not too different from this Girl Power Collage my youngest daughter created.
Still, since I’m not a crafter by nature, I wanted this process to be even easier. I didn’t want to stress over hand lettering quotes or spend hours digging through magazines to find the words I wanted to use on my vision board.
When I tried to find words that way, I chose words because they looked good in the magazine, not because they defined me or what I wanted for myself. “Live longer” and “Cure fatigue” weren’t the mantras I was looking for.
Don’t get me wrong. I think flipping through magazines is a great way to find inspiration. I snagged reminders to “Count my blessings” and “Kindness is powerful!” from the pages of one of my magazines. Sometimes we need to stumble upon those words and phrases to discover they’re what we need to see or hear.
But if you want to save time, the easiest way to find content for your vision board is to do internet searches for what you want then print them off. For example, I’m a little obsessed with Wonder Woman and becoming a real-life version of her (you might have guessed this dream from my blog name) so I just found a picture in Google images and printed it off for my vision board.
Vision Board Printables
Pictures are easy to find, the words were harder. So, I made my own vision board printables in Microsoft Word. I tried to match the font to the definition of the word so even from a distance I’d be able to catch the meaning.
These vision board printables are all positive adjectives to describe the women I admire most. Hopefully, some of them will inspire you.

To download/print them, click this link ==>> Vision Board Printables
More Vision Board Resources
Here is a great book that will walk you through creating your vision board in far greater detail than I’ve done so above.
And if you’re looking for more colorful ways to proclaim your hopes and dreams, you might like these stickers. With stickers you can skip the cutting and gluing!
I hope these printables help you create a vision board that will lead you to your ideal life. If you’ve created (or end up creating) a vision board and you share it to social media, please tag me (@wondermomwannab on Instagram and Twitter) so I can see!
Did you use any special kind of paper/printing process, or did you just do regular color printing on regular printer paper? I am doing the same thing as you (found a bunch of pictures online), and am going to print them out, but not sure what to do. I am probably overthinking it 🙂
Since I’m a dinosaur and grew up with film cameras and photographs you had to wait to have developed, I like that look better so I did print the pictures on glossy photo paper. If you opt for that route, make sure you choose images with hi-resolution so they come out looking like actual photographs. There’s no reason plain printer paper wouldn’t work just fine though, so it’s really just your personal preference. 😉
I am trying to copy your vision board printables and my copy shop won’t copy them due to copyright…. Can I have permission to use them?
Absolutely! That’s why I made them. Just saw your email and sent you a formal letter granting you permission to have them printed for your personal use. I hope that works!