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Spring Cleaning: Bathroom Cleaning Checklist

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As promised in my first spring cleaning article “Spring Cleaning: Kitchen,” here is the second installment to help you conquer the clutter and grime in your bathrooms.


I like to clean from top to bottom, as most professional housecleaners recommend, so I like my list to flow that way as well. Yes, you can clean without a list, but for those of you who share my proclivity for checking boxes, here are some options.

Printable Checklists

Here is the printable Bathroom Spring Cleaning Checklist that I created and use. I am not a graphic artist so it’s pretty bland. If you’re looking for something cute or pretty to brighten the arduous task ahead of you, you may prefer one of these:


Woman’s Day Bathroom Checklist


Housewife How To’s Bathroom Cleaning Checklist


Penny Pinchin’ Mom’s Bathroom Cleaning Checklist

Make sure you check out “Ease Into Spring Cleaning By Doing It In Your Sleep” for some deep cleaning tips that will save you time and energy. Also, for a list of supplies and cleaning materials that you will need to gather before tackling any of the checklists above, refer to my list in “Spring Cleaning: Kitchen.”

17 thoughts on “Spring Cleaning: Bathroom Cleaning Checklist”

  1. Those are such awesome charts 🙂 I Spring Cleaned the bathroom already….wouldn’t it be nice if you could still tell lol.

    • LOL. I know what you mean! A homemaker’s job is remarkably redundant–same tasks repeated day after day. 🙂

  2. Okay bookmarking this page so I can print the lists later!

  3. I need this checklist right now 🙂 Actually, the only left for me to do is organizing. I bought a bathroom accessory from IKEA so; once I assemble it, everything will be in its place.

  4. This is what I need! I really need to do a lot of cleaning here in our house.

  5. Spring cleaning here is this week. We need to clean up our basement for sure.

  6. These checklists are great because I need to clean my bathroom from top to bottom lol

  7. I wish I have that big of a bathroom, ours is way tiny mevertheless still need to be cleaned and organized.

  8. Mine is done already 🙂 I do this every few months the spring cleaning, it has to be done lol the regular stuff a few times or more a week depending on what it is!

  9. This is a great list! It will come in handy when my son is cleaning. He is learning how to clean more of the house and this will work perfect.

  10. thanks so much for sharing this is a great way to make sure you get everything done in the bathroom

  11. I never believed anyone could motivate me to be organized, but alas, your lists have helped me out! I cleaned the closet today and couldn’t be happier! on to the bathroom . . .

  12. thank you for this organizing tips. really need to do some indoor spring cleaning one of these days too especially in our bathroom upstairs.

  13. And I thought I was organized. I think I’ll be printing your list out this weekend…. feel like cleaning someone else’s bathroom 😉


  14. My poor little bathroom could really use a spring cleaning! Maybe I will check out a couple of these lists!!


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