Wondermom ยป Printables ยป Productivity Planner

Productivity Planner

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A printable productivity planner is a simple way to get organized and get more accomplished each day. This set includes a daily planner and a 14-day challenge to kick start your productivity goals!

2 pages of a productivity planner on a blue background


Not everyone really understands what being productive means.

A lot of times we feel like if we are “busy” then we are productive, but this isn’t always the case.

The definition of productive is producing or able to produce large amounts of goods, crops, or other commodities.

Obviously, this word is used for more than “traditional” work where you are manually producing work at a certain pace.

Productivity is relevant in many areas of our lives from our work to our relationships.

People who are truly productive are not constantly chasing deadlines to complete tasks. They are organized, scheduled and usually working ahead of schedule because they work smarter, not harder.

We want to work to accomplish our goals through truly productive work so we have time for fun.

2 page productivity planner


A productivity planner can help you be more productive if you use it. It is just a tool to assist you in staying on task and completing quality tasks that align with your goals.

This daily planner has a space at the top for your daily goal. Write in your goal for each day.

List out the 3 main tasks that need to be accomplished in order to meet this goal.

There are columns for you to write down tasks that must be done, tasks that can wait and a column for what can be pushed back till tomorrow.

I love the boxes for time tracking. These 25 minute time tracking intervals will help you stay hyperfocused on accomplishing a task in a short amount of time.

Be sure to turn off distractions during these short intervals so you can see better results.

productivity planner daily sheet


When I am trying to reach new goals or create a new habit it helps to really challenge myself in the beginning.

This 14 day productivity challenge can help kick start your efforts to becoming more productive.

This challenge is included in the printable productivity planner.

There is one task to be done each day during the 2 week time span.

Each of these tasks will push you toward being more productive:

  • Define your goals for the month and week.
  • Wake up 30 minutes earlier every day.
  • Write out your to-do list.
  • Clean your work space every afternoon.
  • Set deadlines for your goals.
  • Schedule breaks in your work day.
  • Check your email only twice a day.
  • Get 8 hours of sleep.
  • Choose one bad habit to break.
  • Schedule calls and meetings in batches.
  • Batch regular tasks.
  • Practice the pomodoro method.
  • Make a productivity playlist.
  • Choose one healthy habit to develop.
14 day productivity challenge


I have this productivity planner available for you to print off for your personal use.

2 pages of a productivity planner on a blue background

The Printable Productivity Planner is a PDF file that you can download and print over and over. It’s available for free to my subscribers.

Just fill in the form below to get the free printable productivity planner.

Printable FAQs

How do I access the printable?

Fill in the form above. After you submit the form, you’ll receive an email from “Wondermom Wannabe” with a direct link to the printable. If you do not see the email in your inbox within a few minutes, check your spam folder.

Where can I find my file after I download it?

The most likely place will be in your computer’s Downloads folder. You can also select “Downloads” in your browser menu to see a list of your downloads, then simply select “Show in folder” below the file name to see where it is stored on your computer.

How do I print a PDF?

You’ll need a program that supports PDFS, likeย Adobe Acrobatย (which is free). Open the program, click File > Print. Select your printer and set the number of copies you want to print. Double check your print preview, then click print.

If you found this printable helpful be sure to check out these other organizational printables:

2 pages of a productivity planner on a blue background with title text reading Printable Planner

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