If spring cleaning has left you with big piles of items to sell or donate, you’ll love these tips for how to make the most money from your yard sale. They’re very easy to implement, but will make a BIG difference in the success of your yard sale.
We all know that a yard sale can be a great way to make money, and to help you budget for a move. However, do you know why some yard sales are more successful than others?
The truth is it’s not the items being sold, but how the person runs the sale. Let’s take a closer look at how to make the most money from your yard sale.
How to Make the Most Money From Your Yard Sale
You don’t have to spend a dime to advertise your yard sale. Many stores have bulletin boards where you can put flyers for your sale.
You can also advertise your sale in Facebook yard sale groups. In fact, doing so many lead to selling some of your items before the sale even starts.
Include photos of some of your best items to get people interested.
Hang Signs
It’s imperative that you hang signs so that your yard sale is easy to find. Hang signs from all the different roads that lead to your home.
You also want to have a big sign in your front yard along with some balloons so that people know your house is the right one. This is especially true if you’re having the yard sale in your garage or indoors.
Group Like Items
When you take the time to group like items, you help ensure that people interested in those items see everything you have and hopefully spend even more money.
For example, put all your books together and group them by author. Hang all your clothes together and sort them by size, type, etc.
Create a Store-Like Atmosphere
One of the best tips you will ever get for making the most money from your yard sale is to make your yard sale look like a store.
For example, let’s say you have some jewelry, take the time to lay out the necklaces, bracelets, etc. on a table so that they are displayed rather than just tossed in a box. Also display vases and home décor in ways that show people how beautiful they could be in their home.
For example, group trios of candleholders together and place picture frames beside them. The prettier things look, the more people will want them.
Also, start stockpiling shopping bags a couple of weeks before your yard sale. Shoppers will appreciate the added value of having their items packed into a shopping bag when they purchase. Plus, it makes it easier for them to carry (and buy!) more.
Price Big-Ticket Items Slightly Higher Than What You Want
People come to yard sales to haggle. Start your big-ticket items out at more than you actually want.
This gives people the chance to haggle and makes them think they are getting a better deal. You can always drop the price as the day goes on.
The only thing to remember is to not price the item at some crazy-high price that will prevent people from even starting a conversation. For example, if you want $100 for an item, price it at $120, not $500.
Put Together Bundles
Last, but not least, bundle items together to help move those items out of your home. People love to buy “sets” of items.
For example, if you have a bunch of Christmas ornaments, sell them as a lot. If you have a bunch of unused nail polish, group like colors together and sell as one lot.
Yard sales are a great way to make money. However, if you want to make the most money from your yard sale, you need to put in just a bit more effort. Make your yard sale look like a store and make sure people know about it.