A printable reading log is an easy way to motivate kids to read. The empty sheet begs to be filled in with the names of books.

Why Use a Printable Reading Log?
For many people, myself included, lists are a powerful productivity tool. They are not only a great way to stay organized, but they can also inspire us to do more.
There’s something so satisfying about crossing items off of your to-do list. Sometimes that pressure of having unchecked items is enough to compel us to do something now instead of putting it off until later.
Though different in form and use, a log sheet can help us do more too. Those blank lines can prompt us to complete activities so that we can have the satisfaction of filling up the sheet.
One of the best things we can do for our kids is to pass on these tips to our kids and help them develop good productivity habits early. A simple way to introduce this strategy to your kids is with this printable reading log.
Reading Log Types
Depending on your child’s age and personality, the type of reading log that works best for your child will differ. Your child might want to track how the number of pages read, the amount of time spent reading, or simply keep track of each book they read.
For this reason, I’m sharing three different reading logs. This way, no matter how your child wants to track his or her reading, you’ll have the right reading log.
Track Books Read
Younger kids can read several books each day since their books are shorter. They might prefer a printable reading log that lets them rate each book.

Track Pages Read
When children move onto longer books, they might be discouraged by a reading log that tracks number of books read since it can take several days to complete one. Instead, they might prefer a reading log where they can keep track of pages read.
On this reading log, your child can write down the actual page numbers read during a session. To practice math skills, children can calculate the number of pages read.

Track Minutes Read
Similar to tracking pages read, children can track number of minutes read. This is a great way to reinforce time-telling skills and math skills at the same time.

Download the Printable Reading Logs
To get immediate access to all three printable reading logs, simply fill in the form below.
Printable FAQs
Fill in the form above. After you submit the form, you’ll receive an email from “Wondermom Wannabe” with a direct link to the printable. If you do not see the email in your inbox within a few minutes, check your spam folder.
The most likely place will be in your computer’s Downloads folder. You can also select “Downloads” in your browser menu to see a list of your downloads, then simply select “Show in folder” below the file name to see where it is stored on your computer.
You’ll need a program that supports PDFS, like Adobe Acrobat (which is free). Open the program, click File > Print. Select your printer and set the number of copies you want to print. Double check your print preview, then click print.
Book Recommendations
Looking for some book recommendations to help your child to fill up the printable reading log? Check out these books.
Recommended books for younger children
Charley the Bulldog’s Fantastic Fruit Stand
Pete the Cat: I Love My White Shoes
Richard Scarry’s Cars and Trucks and Things That Go
Pete the Cat and His Four Groovy Buttons
Recommended Books for Young Adults:
The Throne of the Glass Colouring Book
The reading log is just what I am looking for to use with my first graders!
That’s great! I hope you enjoy using it in the classroom. Thanks for commenting.
I plan to use this for reading fluency practice.
That’s great, I’m glad it’s useful for you. Thanks for commenting.