Wondermom » Printables » Easter Scavenger Hunt Printable For Kids

Easter Scavenger Hunt Printable For Kids

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An Easter Scavenger Hunt is the perfect way to spend a spring afternoon. This free printable scavenger hunt will keep kids of all ages busy.

colored easter eggs around a basket with a yellow easter egg in it, all on a wood table


An Easter Scavenger Hunt is all about finding specific items related to Easter.

Each item on the list is something commonly seen or found around homes during the Easter season. Scavenger hunts are traditionally played outside, but can be played indoors if the weather is bad.


When you are putting together a scavenger hunt geared for children it helps to make sure the items they will be searching for are fairly easy to locate.

The items on this Easter Scavenger Hunt should be simple for kids to locate. It is also a good idea to look over the list ahead of time and buy any items you don’t already have at home.

  • Easter Basket
  • Peeps
  • Jelly Beans
  • Plastic Eggs
  • Candy Bars
  • Easter Grass
  • Carrot
  • Flower
  • Stuffed Bunny
  • Egg Dye
  • Baby Chick
  • Hard Boiled Egg
  • Bonnet or Hat
  • Chocolate Bunny
printable Easter Scavenger Hunt on a wood table


There are a couple of different ways to have an Easter Scavenger Hunt. It will depend on how many people are participating and the ages of the participants.

Each person playing can be on their own and have their own scavenger hunt list. It is a race to see who can find all of the items first.

You can also play with teams. Divide the people playing up into teams and each team will race to be the first to find all the items.

People can physically get each item as they find them or you can play with phones and the people or teams will take a picture of each item as they find it.

It is fun to have prizes available for the winners, but not necessary.

printable Easter Scavenger Hunt next to colored Easter eggs and a basket, all on a wood table


If you decide to give out prizes you will probably have even more people want to play! Here are a few ideas of fun prizes that you can give out to the winners.

Trophies are always a fun prize and I have found some really funny trophies. I love these Thumbs Up Trophies that are perfect for any age group. High Five Trophies are also a fun way to congratulate the winners.

Since this is an Easter Scavenger Hunt the prize could always be Easter related. Almost anyone would love to get an Easter basket stuffed full of candy and toys.

If you want something simple that people would work hard to win try giving out the huge One Pound Candy Bars! You may have adults trying to beat kids for a one pound candy bar.


You can print off this free printable Easter Scavenger Hunt.

I like to print these off on white cardstock. If I want to reuse these each year then I will laminate the forms and use dry erase markers for players to mark off items as they find them.

To download these free printable Easter Scavenger Hunt forms for your own personal use just fill in the form below.

Printable FAQs

How do I access the printable?

Fill in the form above. After you submit the form, you’ll receive an email from “Wondermom Wannabe” with a direct link to the printable. If you do not see the email in your inbox within a few minutes, check your spam folder.

Where can I find my file after I download it?

The most likely place will be in your computer’s Downloads folder. You can also select “Downloads” in your browser menu to see a list of your downloads, then simply select “Show in folder” below the file name to see where it is stored on your computer.

How do I print a PDF?

You’ll need a program that supports PDFS, like Adobe Acrobat (which is free). Open the program, click File > Print. Select your printer and set the number of copies you want to print. Double check your print preview, then click print.

printable Easter Scavenger Hunt

More Activities and Ideas!

Here are some more fun Easter and spring activities:

Love scavenger hunts? Check out this collection of 20 scavenger hunt games from Organized 31!

Each theme contains at least 3 different game boards (most have more). For just $9.99 you’ll have fun activities that will last you all year long.

lots of different printables with title text reading Big Bundle of 20 Scavenger Hunts

Don’t forget to PIN this so you can print it off again next year!

a collage of printables with title text reading Easter Scavenger Hunt

3 thoughts on “Easter Scavenger Hunt Printable For Kids”

  1. I love this idea because it gets kids to look for specific things, not just eggs. Thank you for sharing it at #OMHGWW!

  2. Super fun idea to get everyone involved and perfect for all ages. Thanks for sharing at Merry Monday!


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