Wondermom ยป Self ยป How and Where to Donate Hair

How and Where to Donate Hair

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As a busy mom, the only way for me to get everything done is to give up trying to get everything done. Instead, I have to prioritize my responsibilities so that the things that must be done get done while other, less essential tasks only get done if time and opportunity allow. One of these tasks that I put off until it’s absolutely necessary or I happen to have time is getting a haircut.

I know I’m supposed to get my hair trimmed every 6-8 weeks, but somehow that easily becomes 6-8 months. Typically it’s not until my family starts making jokes about hippies that I start to prioritize getting a haircut. By that time, it’s well past a reasonable length, a good 8-10 inches too long. So, I always donate my hair to make me feel more altruistic about my laziness.

Here I am with my way too long hair. It’s so long it doesn’t even fit in the picture!

a lady with long hair before cutting it

My sons were shocked that one could donate hair to a good cause. I’m sure they think this is another one of those things I make up when I don’t want to tell them what I’m really doing. They probably think I’m saving all that hair until science figures out how to reattach it to my head when I go gray.

Most everyone else knows hair donation is a real thing. Locks of Love has an amazing marketing program because if you ask anyone about donating hair, this is typically the organization they mention. However, Locks of Love isn’t your only option if you want to donate your hair to be used for wigs for cancer victims.

Where to Donate Hair

Here are all of your options, as well as the restrictions that apply to each program.

Children With Hair Loss

  • Minimum length = 8 inches
  • Will accept chemically treated hair
  • Will accept gray hair
  • Requires submission form

Locks of Love

  • Minimum length = 10 inches
  • Will accept chemically treated hair
  • Will accept gray hair
  • Requires submission form

Pantene Beautiful Lengths

  • Minimum length = 8 inches
  • Will NOT accept chemically treated hair
  • Will NOT accept gray hair if it exceeds 5% of the total hair
  • Requires submission form

Wigs For Kids

  • Minimum length = 12 inches
  • Will NOT accept chemically treated hair
  • Will accept gray hair
  • Requires submission form

How to Donate Hair

So, now that you know where to donate your hair, here’s HOW you prepare your hair so that you can donate it.

First, your hair should be clean and dry. Then, it should be put in a ponytail. Band the hair 1-2 inches BELOW the cutting point. Then, cut the ponytail off 1-2 inches above the band. If your hair is thick, you may have to separate your hair and make two ponytails. Here are mine:

a handing holding two Ponytails of hair

Next, place the ponytail(s) in a plastic zipper bag and mail it with the completed form to the charity of your choice. That’s it. Oh yeah, and celebrate your new hairstyle–congrats, you no longer look like a 60’s flower child!

a lady with short hair after cutting it so she can donate her hair
a lady with Curled Hair

To me, it looks so different I thought I should start acting like a different person. Turns out that is harder to do than getting a haircut since it took a lot longer to grow this personality than it did to grow my hair.

before and after picture of a lady getting her hair cut for Hair Donation

12 thoughts on “How and Where to Donate Hair”

  1. It’s a good thing you mentioned that gray hair is accepted for donation. There will be a hair donation assembly at my daughter’s school in October, and my parents will love to participate. Thanks for presenting this helpful information on hair donation.

  2. Very helpful info. Thank you. Cut you got was great! I am looking to do similarly.
    You have a pretty face. Add a bit of eyebrow? Would really play up your lovely eyes.

  3. Pingback: Sundays are for Sharing: Homosexuality on the Disney Channel, Getting Happy & More - Woman Tribune
  4. Love your short hair, but your long hair was super beautiful as well. Look at those pony tails!

    I have been looking for other hair charities other than Locks of Love for a while now. I have had a lot of time to research, since I have been letting my hair grow for the last two years. I would prefer to have short hair all the time, but like you, I put off getting my hair cut in the worst way, and then when it gets long enough that I realize I should really get it cut, I just keep letting it grow until I get to 10 inches, because why not at that point?

  5. I love that you took the time to point us toward places to donate. So often I think people have great intentions but don’t know where to start. Congrats on a gorgeous cut and thanks for helping others in the process!

  6. I love your new look. I donated my hair sometime last year to Locks of Love. I loved knowing that I was helping another girl feel confident because she can have a nice wig to wear.

  7. Hi Corinne – As a cancer survivor, there are no words to properly say thank you for doing this. Real hair wigs are expensive and it’s because of folks like you and our dear friend Susan and her girls that we can look “normal” during treatment. I know how hard it was for me to lose my hair as an adult, I can’t imagine being a child or teen and having to deal with it. Thank you. Hugs, Holly

  8. Corinne, love the new look! My daughters and I have all donated our hair. It’s such a great goal to work towards. I was only familiar with Locks of Love and it’s good to know about other options.

  9. I love the new hair cut! I think it suits your beautiful face. I am so glad that you shared the various places to donate hair and the different types of hair they will accept. I had only heard of Locks of Love. Great article and great haircut!

  10. I applaud you for doing this! What a wonderwful way to donate to those with cancer.

  11. that’s awesome, we have a program like that here and I have done the same thong but it’s for kids with cancer. You look great!


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