Wondermom » Kindness » Free Random Acts of Kindness Cards for Kids

Free Random Acts of Kindness Cards for Kids

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Random acts of kindness are easy ways to spread a little joy in the world. Children especially love surprising others, but so many acts of kindness call for assisting others in ways that are difficult for young ones to do without help.

I think it’s important for children to realize that no matter how young or how small they are, they can make a positive difference in the world. So, I created these random acts of kindness cards for kids to inspire them to take action.

printable cards for kids on a purple background with title text reading Free Random Acts of Kindness Cards for Kids

Random Acts of Kindness Kids Can Do

They may be small, but children are full of joy, optimism, and energy. There are many ways they can spread joy!

By simply taking notice of the people around them, children have tremendous opportunities every day to make a difference in someone else’s life. Whether it’s thanking the bus driver for transporting them safely to and from school each day or inviting a new student to sit with them, children can positively impact dozens of people each day.

Encourage your children to pay attention to the people around them. Rather than teaching them to mindlessly utter “please,” “thank you,” and “excuse me,” help them understand the meaning behind why we say those things to others. Help them view others as important and worthy of our courtesy and attention.

Teach your children that selfless behavior is actually very rewarding. By holding the door open for someone else or letting someone go ahead of us in line, we have the power to make someone feel better. That small act can change a person’s mood, attitude, or even their perceived self-worth. In contrast, rushing through the door or to be in the front of the line is a very short-lived satisfaction.

Free Random Acts of Kindness Cards for Kids

Random Acts of Kindness Cards

When I began creating my Monthly Acts of Kindness calendars, I had a couple people point out that by putting the acts on a calendar, they were no longer random. I see their point, but believe that for the recipient of the kindness, the act is very random and unexpected.

Still, for those who prefer a more “random” assortment of “random acts of kindness” I think these cards might be an alternative solution. Your child can draw cards at random each day.

Ideally, once our children experience the joy of spreading kindness, they’ll continue to do so out of habit. These kindness cards are simply a way to kick start the habit.

I’ve designed them with dotted lines sectioning off each card so they are easy to cut out. You can also print them on Avery business cards  if you prefer. There are 2 sheets (so 20 total cards).

Simply fill in the form below to download or print the cards.

Printable FAQs

How do I access the printable?

Fill in the form above. After you submit the form, you’ll receive an email from “Wondermom Wannabe” with a direct link to the printable. If you do not see the email in your inbox within a few minutes, check your spam folder.

Where can I find my file after I download it?

The most likely place will be in your computer’s Downloads folder. You can also select “Downloads” in your browser menu to see a list of your downloads, then simply select “Show in folder” below the file name to see where it is stored on your computer.

How do I print a PDF?

You’ll need a program that supports PDFS, like Adobe Acrobat (which is free). Open the program, click File > Print. Select your printer and set the number of copies you want to print. Double check your print preview, then click print.

Random Acts of Kindness Cards for Kids

Another easy way to foster kindness in your children is with these Kindness Questions to Ask Kids. It’s fun to see the ideas they come up with!

15 thoughts on “Free Random Acts of Kindness Cards for Kids”

  1. Do you have more?
    I would like my kids to do something lovely everyday!

    thank you

    • That would be so wonderful if your kids would do something lovely everyday! Here’s a post that shows several of my other random acts of kindness posts and ideas: https://wondermomwannabe.com/random-acts-kindness-ideas/

    • I’m so glad! Thanks for commenting and letting me know.

  2. I subscribed but I cannot get access to the cards. Help. thanks

    • Hi Sherry, I’ll email them directly to you as soon as I’m at my computer.

  3. Hi! I also can not download the cards, but I still subscribed. What should I do?

    • Hi Madison, I’ll email them directly to you. I switched to a new program for my downloads and must have messed something up in the switch. Trying to fix it now, but I’ll send you the files so you don’t have to wait. Also, when you subscribed, you should have received a link to where all of my free printables are stored. I’ll include that in the email too.

  4. can you remove the gridlines? I can’t seem to do it and it shows up when I print :\

    • Hi Lena, the gridlines are there on purpose so you know where to cut to separate them.

  5. I subscribed so that I could download these cards, but it still won’t let me! It just keeps telling me to subscribe again. Could you please send me a link?

    • I’m so sorry the download didn’t work for you. Perhaps the email with the link went to spam? I’m emailing the direct link to you now.

        • Since I wasn’t able to fix the service that was delivering them, I’ve just linked the image and text in the post directly to the download. You should be able to click either to open the PDF. I will also email to you just to make sure you get them.


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