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Low Maintenance Evergreen Climbing Plants

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Low maintenance evergreen climbing plants are a great way to bring beauty and greenery to outdoor spaces without the hassle of regular maintenance or upkeep.

These climbing plants don’t require excessive watering, pruning, or fertilizing to keep them looking healthy and vibrant, providing a long-lasting pop of color all year round. Below I’ll share what I believe are the best varieties for your yard and patio.

a collage of six different plants with title text reading Low Maintenance Climbing Plants.

Benefits of Low Maintenance Evergreen Climbers 

Evergreen climbers add beauty to your outdoor space without having to worry about regular maintenance or upkeep. These plants don’t need a lot of water, pruning, or fertilizing, yet they still add pretty colors to your garden trellis the whole year. 


Climbers can also be used to provide natural shade and privacy over pergolas, as well as offer support for other plants. They can be trained along any surface, such as a fence or wall, and make unique decorative features which will draw attention in any outdoor space.

plants growing on an outdoor structure.


Some climbing plants offer more than just color, they can also bring a fragrant smell to your outdoor space. Varieties such as jasmine and honeysuckle are especially known for producing sweet aromas.


Evergreen climbing plants come in many different colors, from bold reds and oranges to subtle greens and blues. Choosing the right variety for your garden will depend on the color scheme you want to achieve, and the color of your annual flowers, if you have any.

evergreen climbing plants on an outside wall.


Evergreen climbers can also be beneficial for attracting pollinators, such as bees and butterflies, to your garden, as they provide a great source of nectar for these insects.

What to Look for When Choosing an Evergreen Climber 

When choosing a low maintenance evergreen climber for your outdoor space, consider factors such as the climate conditions, soil type, and space available. Also think about the growth rate of the plant, as some varieties can grow quite quickly and may need more frequent pruning than others.

pink evergreen climbing plants.

Consider the Climate Conditions

USDA Hardiness Zones are a great way to determine what type of climber is suitable for your area. Climbers will vary in their ability to withstand different climates, so make sure you select one that can survive in your region.

Soil Type

The soil type is important when it comes to any plant, climbers included. It’s best to choose a variety that can thrive in the type of soil found in your area, as this will ensure healthy growth and vigorous blooms. If you’re unsure what type of soil your garden has, take some time to investigate before purchasing a climber.

Space Available

The amount of space available for your evergreen climber is another important factor to consider. If you have a limited area, opt for a smaller variety that can be trained along trellises or walls. For larger gardens, climbers such as wisteria or clematis provide spectacular displays of color and fragrance over pergolas and arches.

Low maintenance evergreen climbing plants are a great way to add color and interest to your garden all year round without needing much effort in upkeep. 

How to Install a Climber

Installing a climber on a fence or wall is a relatively easy process, but it is important to make sure that the structure you’re attaching the climber to is strong enough to hold its weight. 

Begin by preparing the wall or fence with a treated timber frame with galvanized steel fixing screws. Once the frame has been secured, attach your chosen type of evergreen climbing plant using galvanized wire

The wires should be wrapped around each other at least twice and strung across the entire width of each upright post in order to provide support for the plant. 

Finally, use compost as a soil supplement when planting your self-clinging climber, and water thoroughly.

When to Plant Climbers

The best time to plant evergreen climbers is during the spring and summer months (June, July, August), as this will provide them with enough time to establish good root systems before winter. 

Make sure you water your plants regularly, as they can be susceptible to drying out if not given enough moisture.

Evergreen Climber Maintenance

Keeping evergreen climbers in top condition is relatively easy and requires only occasional maintenance. 

It’s best to prune the plant in early spring before it starts to bloom, as this will ensure that your climber has a healthy shape and looks attractive throughout the summer months. 

You can also use a mulch around the base of the climber to keep moisture levels consistent. 

Additionally, check for pests or disease regularly and spray with an insecticidal soap if necessary. 

Finally, apply fertilizer once every few months during growing season to give your climber the nutrients it needs. 

With these simple steps, you can ensure that your evergreen climber remains healthy and thriving all year round.


For many evergreen climbers, pruning is not necessary unless you want to keep the plant in a certain shape or size. Generally, if left undisturbed, evergreen climbers will spread and flower naturally.

Best Climbers

When it comes to choosing the best evergreen climbers for your landscape, there are a few important factors to consider. 

For partial shade, twining honeysuckle and ivy are both good choices as they tolerate low light levels and will provide a covering within a few months of planting. 

If you’re looking for something that grows in full sun, clematis is an ideal choice, particularly if you want something that grows quickly. 

Other fast-growing climbers include English ivy, climbing hydrangea and Virginia creeper. 

Here are some beautiful, low maintenance options you’ll also want to consider:

  • Clematis (Clematis alternata)—This evergreen clematis is a great option when you’re looking for color. 

  • English Ivy (Hedera helix)—For an evergreen climber that also offers a bit of privacy, English ivy is an excellent choice.

  • Climbing Hydrangea (Hydrangea petiolaris)—This is a great choice for shady areas and will produce sweetly-scented white blooms in the spring.

  • Virginia Creeper (Parthenocissus quinquefolia)—This fast-growing climber provides excellent coverage and turns a beautiful red in the fall.

  • Chocolate Vine (Akebia quinata)—especially attractive for its fragrant flowers, this evergreen climber is also known for its chocolate-scented leaves.

  • Trumpet Vine Creeper (Campsis radicans)—which provides a good amount of color throughout the year, produces both red and yellow flowers, and attracts hummingbirds. 

  • Winter Jasmine (Jasminum nudiflorum)—blooms in the winter and spring and is great for creating a colorful low-maintenance hedge. 

  • American Wisteria (Wisteria frutescens)—a woody climber that adds a beautiful cascade of fragrant purple flowers in the summer.

  • Passion Flower (Passiflora caerulea)—known for its showy flowers, this evergreen climber is also attractive for its sweet-smelling fragrance. 

  • Bougainvillea (Bougainvillea glabra)—a beautiful, tropical-looking climber with colorful blooms. 

  • Star Jasmine (Trachelospermum jasminoides)—a lovely evergreen with fragrant white flowers.

  • Honeysuckle (Lonicera species)—an easy to grow, hardy evergreen climber with fragrant blooms that attract hummingbirds and butterflies. 

These are just a few of the many evergreen climbers available to add beauty and interest to your garden.

No matter what type of evergreen climber you choose, with just a little bit of care and attention, it is sure to be an eye-catching addition that will bring life and color to your outdoor space. 

The benefits of having an evergreen climber in your garden are numerous, from providing shade and beauty to attracting pollinators and wildlife. With the right care and maintenance, you can enjoy a gorgeous landscape for many years to come.

More Ideas for Easy Yard Care

If you love having a beautiful yard, but also have other things you like to spend your time and energy on, search the entire library of low maintenance landscaping tips:

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