If you’ve got a daughter, you probably need these self esteem activities for girls that you can do with her to build her up!
Raising a self-assured, confident daughter that is not only comfortable with who she is as person, but also with what she looks like on the outside is VERY difficult.
Let’s face it, from the moment a girl is born, she will be bombarded by cultural messages and other medias that can undermine the healthy self image you want her to have. While you can steer her away from those activities and influences that can have a negative effect on her self esteem, you can never entirely block them out.
This is where self esteem activities for girls can have a huge positive effect on her outlook on life, her overall confidence levels and self esteem. Which can lead to a more healthy overall quality of life, too.
So, here are some activities to build self esteem for girls that can be done at any age.

Self Esteem Activities for Girls
One of the best ways for girls to build upon their self esteem is to take a look at their strong points. Your daughter can sit down and write out her best qualities, in a manner comparable to a resume.
This allows girls to realize how important their pre-existing skill sets are. Things like a sense of humor, creativity, compassion, intelligence and more are fantastic assets in life.
Once they have identified their positive traits, have them define reasons for each trait and why they are positive ones to have.
But, how do you keep this from being a boring and tedious task for them (which would discourage anyone from taking the time)? Break it up into a game of 3 compliments a day. So, find a notebook or diary, even fun sticky notes and do one when she wakes up, one in the middle of the day and one before bed.
Its a good idea to go back through and read the notes together and talk about why these elements of her self make her feel good. This kind of positive self talk definitely increases her sense of self worth. But it’s more than that.
By talking about what she is thinking, you can help develop her understanding of her mental health and give her a healthy sense of what to look for as it changes and shifts over time.

Organized Sports or Activities
Participating in organized sports has a fantastic influence on a young girl’s self esteem. In many ways, some athletic programs and organized sports help girls to feel more self confident, more in control and even less anxious.
In fact, competitive and organized sports can lead to better grades, better overall health, less stress and greater feelings of confidence and strength.
Finding an organized sport your daughter can enjoy is a great way to help her build her self esteem.
Additionally, by participating in fun activities, you can be certain that she’s going to make some good friends with whom she can share life experiences outside of school, giving them social skills outside the rigid environment. This is going to promote a level of accomplishment both in her personal growth but also in her physical growth.
Many organized sports will allow you do a trial day, so let her try out multiple activities to find one she wants. Or have her talk to her friends about what they do–if they’re into gymnastics, let her try that out, or karate or baseball. Anything.
You can look for girl-only activities or activities for boys and girls, but let your little lady take the lead and find her own groove.

Self Esteem Journal
Keeping a self esteem journal is a fantastic activity for girls of all ages to participate in and actively cultivate a healthy sense of self esteem.
They can update it daily with different positive experiences they have had. You can give them writing prompts each day that they are to write about, such as:
- Today I had fun when…
- Today I felt proud when…
- Today was interesting because…
- A few things I did well today…
- Today I reach a goal I set when…
Completing these types of sentences can help to grow and reinforce your child’s self esteem daily.
Even if they can’t write yet, have them draw-out some of these things, or doodle them on a craft stick. Heck, even if they can write, have them jot an idea on a craft stick and put it in the “self esteem bucket”. A journal doesn’t’ have to be a notebook necessarily.
You could even work together to make a self-esteem collage that she can put in her room and change or modify over time. It’ll be super easy to just grab a few magazines, some pictures and a poster board. Cut the pictures out that she feels represents HER and past them together. Easy and a great way to represent how she feels about herself and reinforcing the positives.

There are so many self esteem activities girls love out there that can help to increase your daughter’s confidence. These activities can help to become more accepting of herself and tune out the garbled background noise that taunts her self esteem.
Which is really all she needs–just tools to help define her own success and her own stick to measure it with.
Superb. I came to know about many new things which are simple and great. At this time i really want few more easier way to pamper my daughter which can be done at home obviously. Tomorrow is her 17th birthday