You’re going to love these Scandinavian Organizing Hacks for Moms because they’re not only easy, they really work!
“To write well and to speak well is mere vanity if one does not live well.” (Bridget of Sweden, 1303-1373)
Living well is at the heart of Swedish culture, and nowhere is this more obvious than in their homes. Swedes manage to effortlessly create cozy environments that are cleverly organized, chic, and snug.
Look behind the door of the average Swedish house and you’ll find tons of innovative tricks for fuss-free living. And yet, there isn’t an avalanche of Swedish mommy bloggers shouting about it. Nope, these savvy homemakers are too cool for that.
Luckily, I’m not! The sad truth is I’ve never been too cool for anything. I am not one for modesty in the face of a personal win. So when my sister (who recently emigrated to Sweden) shared some ingenious Scandinavian organizing hacks for moms with me, I knew I had to shout about them.
Scandinavian Organizing Hacks For Moms
Don’t worry, we’re not talking about a retro design trend where you paint the walls white and replace your furniture with chrome cubes. No. Minimalism is a powerful principle which can be applied to all personal styles and homes. It is the disciplined pursuit of “less but better.”
The Swedes are masters of creating warm, inviting and organized spaces that are simple, clean and minimal.
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry once said:
“Perfection is achieved not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away”
Take a look at your kitchen or the kids’ bedroom, then ask yourself, “What can be taken away whilst retaining the look, feel and functionality I want?”
Experiment. Dare to be ruthless. Try having fewer toys on display. If you only use a salad spinner once a year, then lose it. Overcome the fear that you might miss these things in the future. Chances are you won’t.
In its simplest form, this means using lots of space dividers. Start with the assumption that every storage space should be divided and compartmentalized. It’s a bit of work in the beginning, but soon you’ll achieve Zen.
Say no to messy drawers stuffed full of bills, letters and keys. These are a headache. Taken across all the cupboards, drawers and wardrobes in your home and it soon becomes a migraine. Don’t put up with it. The Swedes don’t. Instead, use drawer dividers to create order and calm.
I used to have a huge family medicine basket. It was a jumble of band-aids, thermometers, pain killers, cough medicine… aaargh! Well, not anymore. I compartmentalized that shizzle.
Divide and conquer!
Go Magnet Mad
Swedish moms love sophisticated and innovative solutions. It’s not surprising then that magnets are often used for clever organizational touches.
In the kitchen, a common one is the magnetic knife strip. This simple and elegant device will keep your knives out of the way whilst easily reachable. No more rummaging around in a drawer or cluttering your kitchen surface with a giant butcher’s block.
A magnetic strip can also be used in the kids’ room as a smart solution for keeping toy cars neatly ‘glued’ to the wall.
Lose the Carpets
Okay, so this isn’t a quick fix for everybody. But if you are considering redecorating, then lose the carpets. Wooden floors are the way to go. In Sweden, it’s par for the course.
They have a timeless elegance, can be easily cleaned, and are hypoallergenic. With kids around, they are a no-brainer. They’ll save you cleaning time and you won’t have a heart attack each time your kids walk through the lounge with a full cup of juice!
“You need a hook for that”
When my sister visited from Sweden, I lost count of the times she stopped mid-conversation only to point at something and suggest that it could be hung from a hook.
A well-designed metal or wooden hook will complement most walls, and several of these strategically placed around your home will help to avoid cluttered floors.
In the hall, hooks can go high and low ready for the family’s coats, hats and bags. On the garage wall, they allow kids scooters, bikes, and water soakers to hang neatly out of the way. And in the bedroom, they can be fitted inside wardrobes to craftily store things like hair dryers or clutch bags.
Wrapping Up
So, there you have it. Five Scandinavian organizing hacks that will help you to achieve a calmer, more minimal home without compromising on your personal style. Afterall, living well needn’t mean having more, but rather doing more with less.
More Organizing Hacks for Moms
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