My oldest child is just starting college (hence all the college-bound posts on the blog lately). Since I’ve been dreading his departure for months, I was thinking about ways to stay connected to him after he was gone for several weeks. So, when we went shopping for all of his dorm supplies, I doubled up on a lot of them to use for a super easy college care package.
My Son And I
I know I’m biased, but I think you can see from this picture of us together when we toured his school, he’s a good-looking young man.

Hygiene College Care Package
Since he’s attending school so far from home without knowing any of the over 40,000 other students, I know he will feel more confident and outgoing if he’s clean shaven and smelling good. That’s why I knew my first care package for him would have to be one with all of his favorite personal hygiene products.
While the cleaning products I sent him with would probably last all year (if they were used at all), he would for sure go through his deodorant, toothpaste and razors long before his first visit home.
Here’s the hygiene kit I sent with him to school:

For his care package, I loaded up all of the non-liquid personal care products that I had purchased double of during our college shopping trip and put them in a tissue paper lined box.

I’m going to wait a few weeks before I send it. Before I seal the box I’ll top it with a layer of notes, photographs, and comic strips and quotes. Perhaps I’ll even toss in some gift cards for his favorite stores and restaurants if I’ve recovered from our first tuition bill.
Next month I’m sending him some home baked goodies using these tips for how to package brownies from Organized 31. Hopefully my son and his roommates will enjoy the taste of home!
Care Package Subscription
If you want to put your care packages on auto pilot while still providing your favorite student with college essentials, consider signing up for the College Delivery Club.

College Delivery Club
Every month from September through December and February through May, a new box will be shipped that contains an assortment of food, snacks, study supplies, laundry essentials, personal care products and something fun.
The items are chosen by students who are currently on college so the items are on target. Plus, shipping is already included in the subscription price so there are no hidden fees.

I’m thinking about you this week, mama. I know what it’s like to abandon your child far from home in a tradition called “taking them to college.” I’ll definitely be checking out the contest. Winning $10,000 would sure help with college tuition.