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Free Printable Kitchen Cheat Sheets

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I’m always referring to Kitchen Cheat Sheets to remind me to toss old food and to make recipe conversions easier.

I often joke that I’ve used up all the file space in my brain so I rely on notes, calendars, and printouts to remember most things. This is especially true in the kitchen. When I’m converting recipes, I always have to look up how many teaspoons are in a tablespoon or how much avocado to substitute for butter in a recipe.

Furthermore, I always feel like I’m playing Russian Roulette when I’m pulling out leftovers for lunch. Is it okay to eat the leftover lasagna we had last weekend? So, I decided to look up all of the information I find myself searching for on a regular basis and create some printable kitchen cheat sheets.

Kitchen Cheat Sheets

Here are the kitchen cheat sheets I use. I keep them on my refrigerator door, but you could also keep them taped inside a cabinet door.

Fridge Freezer Shelf Life Guide printable Kitchen Cheat Sheets
Kitchen Cheat Sheets for measuring and substitutions

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Printable FAQs

How do I access the printable?

Fill in the form above. After you submit the form, you’ll receive an email from “Wondermom Wannabe” with a direct link to the printable. If you do not see the email in your inbox within a few minutes, check your spam folder.

Where can I find my file after I download it?

The most likely place will be in your computer’s Downloads folder. You can also select “Downloads” in your browser menu to see a list of your downloads, then simply select “Show in folder” below the file name to see where it is stored on your computer.

How do I print a PDF?

You’ll need a program that supports PDFS, like Adobe Acrobat (which is free). Open the program, click File > Print. Select your printer and set the number of copies you want to print. Double check your print preview, then click print.

More Help in the Kitchen

After you’ve printed out your kitchen cheat sheets, you’ll probably be in the mood to get your fridge in order. Thankfully, Susan over at Organized 31 has you covered with her
tips for an organized refrigerator.

food in the refrigerator with title text reading 5 Free Tips for an Organized Refrigerator

Now it’s time to stock your freezer. These dump dinners for the expectant mom from Homemade for Elle not only make great gifts for new parents, but also work great as emergency meals for those weeks you get behind on your grocery shopping.

dump dinners in freezer bags with title text reading The Perfect Baby Shower Gift A month's worth of Dump Dinners

10 thoughts on “Free Printable Kitchen Cheat Sheets”

  1. I love all of the printables , I am getting more organized

  2. Pingback: 25+Free Printables for Organizing Home Life
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  5. I am having a hard time printing these. I really love the Shelf Life Guide.

    • Thanks for letting me know. The links were going to the image files instead of the print file. I’ve fixed it now. Here is a link directly to the .pdf – https://wondermomwannabe.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/Kitchen-Cheat-Sheets.pdf. I am e-mailing it to you as well to make sure you get it. Sorry for the trouble!


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