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Simple Tips for Keeping Your Home and Family Safe

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Simple Tips for Keeping Your Home and Family Safe

You want your home to be beautiful and restful, but it’s also important that it’s a safe place for your family. While there isn’t a way to absolutely guarantee that your home will never suffer a break-in, there are several things you can do to minimize the risk and prevent your home from being an easy target.

Be Mindful of Social Media

Everyone spends time on the internet these days, but being too free with the details of your life on social media can make it easy for criminals to know when your home will be unoccupied. There are numerous examples of thieves using social media to determine when to rob homes based on social media information about the occupants’ schedules.

Don’t Create Easy Access Points

While it’s nice to make things as simple as possible for yourself and your family to enter your home, you don’t want to create security gaps that make it easy for criminals to target your house. Don’t leave any windows open when you’re gone for the day and don’t leave a key hidden near the front door. Most thieves know exactly where to look for a hidden key. You should also make sure to lock all doors securely, including those leading to the backyard and the garage.

Advertise Your Security

Most thieves choose homes that appear to be easy targets. One of the simplest things you can do is add some signs to your home that indicate security measures are in place. You can post a Beware of Dog sign even if you don’t have a dog. Use motions sensors to turn on exterior lights around doors. You can also post security cameras in visible places around the outside of your home. Even if you don’t actively use them, cameras can make your home appear to be monitored and secure.

Use Window Coverings

Installing blinds or curtains on your home’s windows can improve the level of security as well as the interior decorating style. Without window coverings, it’s very easy for people to see the items inside your home, especially at night. Thieves can also monitor your nightly routine through uncovered windows to learn when you’re home, away, and asleep. Window coverings make excellent deterrents and simultaneously spruce up your home’s appearance.

Turn on the Lights

If you’re going to be home late or away from town for a few days, don’t let your home sit dark night after night. Turning on the lights is an easy way to make a home appear occupied. If you’re away on a trip, you can ask a trusted neighbor to turn on lights for you. You can also use timing devices to activate the lights when it gets dark. Many “smart home” systems allow you to control the lights in your home remotely using a web interface or app.

Don’t Forget About Your Car

Many thieves gain access to homes by using a garage door opener remote that’s in an unlocked car on the driveway. If you don’t park your car in a garage, make sure it is securely locked and tuck the garage door opener out of plain sight. Locking your car also helps deter thieves from stealing items or equipment inside.

Invest in a Security System

A monitored security system is one of the most comprehensive methods of protecting your home. There are numerous brands that offer different levels of protection. You may want an alarm system that alerts you when doors or windows are breached, or you may prefer a plan with active video monitoring by trained professionals. Take some time to research the available options so you can choose the system that works best for your needs. It’s wise to choose one with good reviews from both customers and unbiased testing organizations.

Your home likely includes many items that have financial and sentimental value, so it’s important to protect them from thieves. A secure home can also help family members feel secure and relaxed for better mental health and quality of life. The best way to prevent criminals from attacking your home is to make it a “hard target” by keeping all access points locked, using window coverings, and installing a security system. Even little actions such as turning on the lights when you’re away can make a thief decide to focus on another home and leave yours untouched.


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