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Random Acts of Kindness at Work

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One of my favorite things to do is to help make people happy.  Knowing that I can have a positive impact on someone through a kind word or a small gesture is powerful.

I have been doing Random Acts of Kindness at work since I got my first “real” job when I was 19.  A friend and I used to organize small anonymous gifts for our co-workers: sometimes we would leave flowers, other times we’d leave homemade baked goods, or letters of appreciation.

I’ve continued doing Random Acts of Kindness at work over the last 15 years and still enjoy it as much as I did when I was 19!

Today I wanted to share some of my favorite ideas for Random Acts of Kindness at work.  Read through them, pick a few, and spread joy in your workplace!

a hand writing on a piece of paper on a white board with other papers and sticky notes also on the board with title text reading Random Acts of Kindness at Work

Random Acts of Kindness at Work Ideas

Make Lip Balm for Everyone

I am a huge fan of natural, homemade beauty products and every time I’m making myself a batch of something I use regularly, I’ll double or triple the batch and bring in the extras for my co-workers.  Last month, I made a huge batch of homemade lip balm and passed them out at work.  Everyone loved the lip balm!  A month later, I can still see my homemade lip balm sitting on the desks of all of my colleagues.

Bring in a Slow Cooker of Soup

If you work in an office, you know that office people love to eat!  I love to make big batches of soup or chicken lasagna in a slow cooker, and share it with my co-workers.  They are always so appreciative!  It is also nice to walk into the building and smell the aromas of a warm soup.  It brings a bit of comfort from home into the office.

Set out a Candy Dish

One thing I’ve been doing for years is keeping a candy dish on my desk.  I will have a lot of people stop by just to say hi and grab a piece of candy.   I have also noticed that people will comment when I put out their favorite candy, which I can keep a mental note on for Christmas exchanges.

Bonus – if there is someone else at your work with a candy dish, you can also refill their dish as a Random Act of Kindness at work!

Leave Change in the Vending Machine

I have made a habit of leaving any leftover change from a purchase, in the vending machine.  That way, the next person who grabs a drink or snack will get a nice surprise!

Thank You Notes

I have been on the giving and receiving end of this, and it feels great on either side!  Giving a thank you note to someone who helped you meet a deadline, showed you how to work through a process, or who is supportive at work is a really easy, yet really effective Random Act of Kindness at work.  I always feel so good when I can express gratitude to my colleagues, and I know how great it feels to receive recognition for the work you’ve done.

Park Far Away

When I remember, I’ll take the farthest parking spot away from the building, which allows others to have a better parking spot.  Added bonus –  I get some extra exercise in the process!

Offer Help

One of the most helpful Random Acts of Kindness at work is to offer help to a coworker who looks overwhelmed.  Any time I have down time at work, I will see if my colleagues need any help.  Not only can I learn new skills in the process, but I can help foster an environment where help will be returned when I feel overwhelmed.

two ladies standing at a cubicle looking at some papers

More Random Acts of Kindness Ideas

This post is day 8 in a 30-day Random Acts of Kindness series. See all of the posts, plus other RAOK ideas and resources by clicking the image below.


a squirrel headed down a tree stopping to gather seeds from a person's hand with title text reading 200+ Acts of Kindness ideas


6 thoughts on “Random Acts of Kindness at Work”

  1. Thank I got an idea what to post in our booth during Education week.

    • That’s great, thanks for commenting and letting me know. I hope it helps people learn to spread more joy.

  2. Sounds like working with you is a lot better than a lot of places I worked 🙂

  3. I want to work with you! Love the leave notes idea. We all need to say “thank you and I admire you” more often


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