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Random Act of Kindness at the Gym

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Random acts of kindness are amazing and there are tons of great ideas to fit them into your everyday life. One area that I haven’t seen a lot of random acts of kindness is the GYM!  I love working out and decided I wanted to start doing a random act of kindness at the gym to really brighten someone’s day.

a collage of treadmills and weight lifting machines at a gym with title text reading Random Act of Kindness at the gym!

Random Act of Kindess at the Gym

As a busy mom getting to the gym can sometimes be a minor miracle!  I know that this is true for so many people.  Everyone is leading busy lives and making time for fitness should be celebrated more then it is.

I started thinking about ways I could make the day of someone at the gym. It doesn’t take much to do a random act of kindness.  I have honestly noticed something as small as when someone holds the door for me.

One thing I love after a good workout is a SNACK.  Typically I will head home and eat a chocolate raspberry protein pudding cup. There are days that I have to run errands after my gym time. This is when I like to have a protein bar or snack to eat in the car.

weight lifting equipment at a gym


A Snack is Where It’s At

If I like to have a snack after my work out then I know other people probably would love that too. What better random act of kindness at the gym then a healthy treat?

I decided to make some cute gift tags that I could attach to a protein or snack bar. These are easy to keep in my purse or gym bag. I would love to be able to share my favorite protein packed mudslide smoothie with someone…but that would be a little hard to transport, LOL!

On my way out of the gym I can hand one to someone I see or just sit it on someone’s bag in the locker room.

I am hoping this random act of kindness at the gym will help keep someone motivated to keep reaching toward their fitness goals.

treadmills at a gym

Print Off a Random Act of Kindness at the Gym Gift Tag

I want to inspire other people to do a random act of kindness at the gym.  You can print off these gift tags and use them to brighten someone’s day!

a printable tag reading you came you conquered so I thought you could use a little random treat of kindness! Have a great day! on a wood background


Click this link for the free download –>> Random Acts of Kindness at the Gym Notes

I print these off on white cardstock and use my paper trimmer to cut them. Adding a little ribbon to attach the tag to the snack bar…and DONE!

A Few More Easy Ideas

You can start right now on your random acts of kindness at the gym.  Here are a few really easy ideas to get your kindness juices flowing.

  • Help a new student feel comfortable in a group fitness class
  • Compliment someone on their effort or technique.
  • Smile and say HI to someone.
  • Let someone use a fitness machine before you.

How Do You Spread Kindness?

What is your favorite way to spread kindness around the gym? Have you ever done a random act of kindness at the gym? I would love to hear your ideas!

More Random Acts of Kindness

This post is day 7 in a 30-day Random Acts of Kindness series. See all of the posts, plus other RAOK ideas and resources by clicking the image below.

a squirrel headed down a tree stopping to gather seeds from a person's hand with title text reading 200+ Acts of Kindness ideas

a collage of treadmills and weight lifting machines at a gym with title text reading Random Act of Kindness at the gym!

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