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Cranberry Lemon Infused Water

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I am a big advocate of staying well hydrated. Not only does it keep you from eating too much, but it also energizes your muscles, keeps your skin healthy, helps your body function better, and keeps you mentally alert.

The problem is, I don’t like to drink plain water all day. While I can sip plain water with meals and during workouts, throughout the day I crave more flavor. Of course, since one of my goals is to maintain a healthy weight, I don’t like to load up my water with sugary flavor packets. Instead, I’ve started making infused water.

My Inspiration For Cranberry Lemon Infused Water

I recently made some muffins with cranberries in them and had a lot of cranberries left over. So, I popped some in a water bottle with a couple slices of lemon, partly because I love lemon and mostly because I thought the yellow would look pretty with the red cranberries.

As long as I’m putting in effort to please my palate, I figured I might as well please my eyes too! I was pretty happy with the results. See for yourself:

a bottle of infused water on a red table outside with title text reading Cranberry Lemon Infused Water

What I Do To Make The Cranberry Lemon Infused Water Flavorful

Because the cranberries float to the top, I turn the bottle upside down while I let the fruit infuse the water. I also give it a good shake before I drink it to make sure the flavor permeates every drop. I have absolutely no scientific explanation for why I think this is effective so for all I know, it turns out just as flavorful if you store it upright and skip the shaking.

If you try it, let me know how it turns out. Apparently I’m too OCD to change my ways and thus, my cranberry lemon infused water is always in my refrigerator upside down.

Remember To Let The Mixture Sit

The important thing to remember when making infused water is to let the mixture sit for at least an hour (overnight is even better) to let the flavor seep into the water.

I keep two infused water bottles ready. When I finish one, I refill it with water and then let it sit while I sip on the second bottle. Usually I can get 5-6 refills out of my cranberry lemon mixture until all the flavor is gone from the fruit.

I’m going to be experimenting with some other flavor combinations and will share my successes with you. If you have your own favorite combinations, please let me know in the comments. I’m excited to try some new variations!

10 thoughts on “Cranberry Lemon Infused Water”

  1. Would I have better results to slice the cranberries? Or do you get a lot of flavor with them whole?

    • Slicing or lightly smushing the cranberries gives you much more of the cranberry flavor because no, the flavor is very mild when you leave them whole.

  2. Pingback: Pudding Fruit Salad
  3. I just got an infuser water bottle, so I’ve been experimenting with different flavor combinations. This one sounds yummy and refreshing.

    By the way, I’d love to have you post on my new blog hop at My Flagstaff Home (www.myflagstaffhome.com), if you’re interested. It’s open all weekend.


  4. I love this recipe! I enjoy making infused water but have not tried cranberry yet.

  5. It looks so pretty (before I even get to thinking about how refreshing it must be). I’m working to drink more water and less soda – thank you for a new water flavor to try.

  6. Yum! I am giving up sodas (again, sigh) and have been wanting something other than water. I have some cherries at home from my cherry tree that I need to use, so I’ll try this tonight!

    • Mmmm, cherries. That’s a fruit that unlike my cranberries, should be easy to find this time of year!

  7. I love this! I happen to have some cranberries in the freezer and was wondering what to do with them. I am thinking about adding some orange slices instead of the lemon. So many great and flavorful possibilities!

    • Oranges would be great in this! Super smart idea. Definitely adding that to my list of flavors to try!


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