Wondermom » Printables » Would You Rather Questions for Kids

Would You Rather Questions for Kids

Disclosure: This post may include affiliate links. As an affiliate, I earn from qualifying purchases.

Would you rather questions for kids can turn dinner time into a fun family event. These free printable would you rather questions will get the whole family laughing and make great activities for kids!

Would You Rather Questions for Kids printable with title text reading Would You Rather Questions For Kids

What Is Would You Rather?

You may have never heard of would you rather. These are simple questions the whole family can take turns answering.

Each question gives you a choice of two things. Everyone says which thing they would rather do and why.

The questions are geared towards kids, but the adults I know also get a kick out of answering!! My family always loves to expound on why they chose what they chose.

These questions can be about ANYTHING. It is also fun to have people make up their own would you rather questions.

How Do You Play Would You Rather?

Would You Rather is a very simple game which is what makes it such a wonderful family activity! Basically, players take turns posing questions and everyone else answers.

You can make up whatever questions you want, but it’s helpful to have some starter questions to get the game going.

One of the best things about Would You Rather is that the object of the game is to learn more about each other and to have fun! Everyone is a winner and there are no wrong answers so it’s fun for everyone.

Great Conversation Starters

Typically would you rather questions are silly. The great thing about getting kids talking is you can take a silly question and make it into a teachable moment.

For example the question, Would You Rather Have a Pony or a Monkey for a Pet, seems simple enough. If you ask your child a few questions about their answer you can really get kids thinking.

Expound the would you rather question by asking your child what kind of care each of those pets would require. Does your home have the room for a pony or a monkey? Would a monkey get along with the other pets in your family?

Asking your child questions about their answer will get them thinking about all the things that can go into the decision making process.

Would You Rather Questions for Kids printables on a wood background

Bring Your Family Together

I don’t know any parents who don’t want to spend more quality time with their children. Finding ways to connect with our kids and get them talking is a priority (or should be, lol).

The problem is that most kids don’t want to just sit down and “chat” with their parents. If we can find ways to “talk” to our kids in a fun way it will be received so much easier.

Like the What am I game, Would You Rather is a simple way to connect and talk to our kids and have fun at the same time. Kids won’t even realize that they are “connecting” with their parents too!

a printable card with this question on it, Would you rather have a pet snake or a pet tarantula?

Great for Boys and Girls

These would you rather questions for kids are great for girls and boys. The questions are perfect for getting boys and girls to think about all sorts of different topics.

I have always encouraged my children to be open about traditional gender roles. If a question asks if you would rather be an astronaut or a mechanic, I want my girls to realize that these are not professions limited to just males.

The same thing goes for my boys. If the question asks if you would rather learn to sew or knit, these are not hobbies exclusive to girls.

I love to hear what my kids pick on questions that seem geared more towards one gender or another.

Would You Rather Questions for Kids printable

Would You Rather Questions for Kids

Here are over 30 Would You Rather Questions to kickstart your game with your kids.

  1. Would you rather be a bird or a fish?
  2. Would you rather eat spaghetti or tacos?
  3. Would you rather camp in a tent or in a camper?
  4. Would you rather drink orange juice or apple juice?
  5. Would you rather wear boots or tennis shoes?
  6. Would you rather go to the zoo or the park?
  7. Would you rather meet Santa or the Easter Bunny?
  8. Would you rather be too hot or too cold?
  9. Would you rather be a police officer or a fireman?
  10. Would you rather read books or write stories?
  11. Would you rather be a ballerina or a gymnast?
  12. Would you rather have a puppy or a kitten?
  13. Would you rather go mountain climbing or skydiving?
  14. Would you rather jump off a diving board or go down a slide?
  15. Would you rather be a pilot or a pirate?
  16. Would you rather play baseball or soccer?
  17. Would you rather be a lion or a tiger?
  18. Would you rather be an actor or a comedian?
  19. Would you rather have a tail or elf ears?
  20. Would you rather have a playhouse or a trampoline?
  21. Would you rather have a pony or a monkey for a pet?
  22. Would you rather be very smart or very lucky?
  23. Would you rather be able to travel into the future or into the past?
  24. Would you rather have wings or a jetpack?
  25. Would you rather take an art class or a music class?
  26. Would you rather eat fruits or vegetables?
  27. Would you rather go snorkeling or kayaking?
  28. Would you rather go on a hot air balloon or an airplane?
  29. Would you rather eat cake or ice cream?
  30. Would you rather have a pet snake or a pet tarantula?
  31. Would you rather watch a comedy or a scary movie?
  32. Would you rather live in the mountains or by the beach?

Tips for Coming Up With Your Own Questions

Would you rather questions are so easy to create because you simply need to present two options. Here are some topics to consider to help you come up with your own comparisons.


Create choices between two different people and ask who they’d rather meet, be or trade places with for a day. Or simply ask which of the two they think is best at what they do. Like, who is the best athlete — LeBron James or Roger Federer?

  • Famous actors or actresses (e.g. Tom Cruise, Scarlett Johansson, Johnny Depp, Emma Watson)
  • Famous singers (e.g. Ariana Grande, Michael Jackson, Taylor Swift, Harry Styles)
  • World leaders (e.g. President of the United States, royalty, prime ministers)
  • Superheroes (e.g. Spider-Man, Wolverine, Wonder Woman)
  • Characters in movies, shows, or novels (e.g. James Bond, Bugs Bunny, Harry Potter, Mowgli)
  • Professions (scientist, nurse, salesperson, engineer, dentist)


Create choices between different animals and ask which they’d rather own, be, or have the same abilities as. Have fun and be a little silly! Like, would you rather have a pet dragon or a pet unicorn?

  • Pets (e.g. dogs, cats, birds, fish, reptiles)
  • Jungle animals (e.g. elephant, lion, monkey, tiger)
  • Farm animals (e.g. cow, horse, pig, sheep, chicken)
  • Forest animals (e.g. deer, fox, skunk, woodpecker)
  • Sea animals (e.g. sharks, whales, sea turtles, dolphins)


Create choices between different foods and ask which they prefer to eat or which one they’d prefer to give up forever. Or, pit categories against one another. For example, would you rather give up candy or fast food for the rest of your life?

  • Vegetables (e.g. broccoli, green beans, carrots, potatoes)
  • Fruits (e.g. apples, oranges, grapes, berries, melon)
  • Popular (e.g. pizza, chicken nuggets, hot dogs, pancakes, mac & cheese)
  • Treats (e.g. chocolate, favorite candy, s’mores, cookies, donuts)
  • Cuisines (e.g. Italian, Mexican, Chinese, Thai, Indian)
  • Strong flavors (e.g. garlic, onion, lemon, pickles, hot pepper)


Create choices between different places and ask which they prefer to visit or spend time in.

  • Countries (e.g. United Kingdom, China, Russia, Germany, Australia, Egypt)
  • Cities (New York City, Houston, Paris, Moscow, Tokyo, Delhi, Amsterdam)
  • Vacations (e.g. cruise, resort, safari, camping, beach, mountain)
  • Small or confined spaces (elevator, airplane, closet, tunnel, cave)


Create choices between different activities and ask which they’d prefer to do or learn. For example, would you rather be able to play piano or guitar?

  • Skills (e.g. speak foreign language, play an instrument, excel at a sport)
  • Thrills (e.g. white water rafting, roller coaster, bungee jump, cage diving with sharks)
  • Fun (e.g. go to a movie, visit a water park, attempt an escape room, play a video game)

More Ideas

Now that you’ve got the idea, stretch yourself to come up with more unusual pairings. Here are a few suggestions to get you started:

  • Would you rather be a zombie or an alien?
  • Would you rather smell sour milk or rotten eggs?
  • Would you rather go without soap or toilet paper for a day?
  • Would you rather be the smartest person or the funniest person in a room?

Download These Questions

I have four pages of Would You Rather Questions for Kids available for you to download.

Printing these off on white cardstock helps them last longer. I also like to laminate mine for extended use.

All you have to do is fill in the form below to download and print the  Would You Rather Questions for Kids.

Printable FAQs

How do I access the printable?

Fill in the form above. After you submit the form, you’ll receive an email from “Wondermom Wannabe” with a direct link to the printable. If you do not see the email in your inbox within a few minutes, check your spam folder.

Where can I find my file after I download it?

The most likely place will be in your computer’s Downloads folder. You can also select “Downloads” in your browser menu to see a list of your downloads, then simply select “Show in folder” below the file name to see where it is stored on your computer.

How do I print a PDF?

You’ll need a program that supports PDFS, like Adobe Acrobat (which is free). Open the program, click File > Print. Select your printer and set the number of copies you want to print. Double check your print preview, then click print.

How to Use the Printable Cards

Print off multiple sets of the cards and keep them in various locations to make it easy to have fun any time, anywhere.

  • Kitchen: Store them in a kitchen drawer and use them as family dinner conversation starters.
  • Car: Keep a set in the glove box and use as a family road trip bonding activity.
  • Purse: Place a set in a Ziploc bag and keep in your handbag so you can pull them out to stay entertained anywhere you find yourself in need of a distraction (e.g. waiting rooms).

In addition, the cards can be used as icebreakers for a gathering or as a party game at a birthday.

Would You Rather Questions for Kids printables on a wood background

More Family Fun

If you want more ideas to keep conversations and laughs flowing at home here are some more great ideas.

Be sure to SHARE this post with your friends so they can download and use these Would You Rather Questions for Kids too!

101 thoughts on “Would You Rather Questions for Kids”

    • You’re welcome, Debbie, I’m so glad you like them. Thanks for commenting and letting us know.

  1. Can I have the link to print these Would you Rather questions?

    • Fill in the form above. After you submit the form, you’ll receive an email from “Wondermom Wannabe” with a direct link to the printable pdf so you can print it out. If you do not see the email in your inbox within a few minutes, check your spam folder. If it’s in your spam folder, make sure you mark it not spam and move it to your inbox before clicking on the link.

    • Near the bottom of the post, right above the FAQs, there’s a section titled, Download These Questions. The sign up form is there.

  2. Hello! I have tried downloading several times. I am not getting an email with the link

    • I checked and it says you signed up for the printable and it sent you that email and 2 additional emails. Have you checked your spam in case it went there?

    • I’m so glad! Thanks for leaving such a nice comment!

  3. Hello! Could you send me the downlaod sirectly please as I have subscribed and confirmed, but cant find a document to download! Thank you!

    • After you submit the form, you’ll receive an email from “Wondermom Wannabe” with a direct link to the printable library where you’ll find the link to the printable above as well as all of my other free printables. If you do not see the email in your inbox within a few minutes, check your spam folder. If it’s in your spam folder, make sure you mark it not spam and move it to your inbox before clicking on the confirmation link.

      • Since you signed up for the email, you should have received an email from “Wondermom Wannabe” with a direct link to the printable library where you’ll find the link to the printable above as well as all of my other free printables. There are 2 links that shows, one is for the printable link and one is for the post explaining the printable. The printable link will take you to the actual printable you can download (it is a pdf). The post explaining the printable link will take you back to the blog post. Make sure you click on the printable link to be taken to the download. If you still need help, let me know.

  4. Hello,

    I am unable to find the printable for the Would You Rather activity.

    I am signed up with the email mentioned below.

    Would it be possible to send me the downloadable directly?

    • I looked up your email and it says there aren’t any subscribers with that email. So, you can fill in the form above. After you submit the form, you’ll receive an email from “Wondermom Wannabe” with a direct link to the printable library where you’ll find the link to the printable above as well as all of my other free printables. If you do not see the email in your inbox within a few minutes, check your spam folder. If it’s in your spam folder, make sure you mark it not spam and move it to your inbox before clicking on the confirmation link.

  5. I cannot find the “would you rather” questions. Coul you email them to me? Thank you. These are great!

    • If you search for “Would You Rather Questions for Kids” in either Airtable or on the page with the instructions, you should be able to find it. There are 2 links that shows, one is for the printable link and one is for the post explaining the printable. The printable link will take you to the actual printable you can download (it is a pdf). The post explaining the printable link will take you back to the blog post. Make sure you click on the printable link to be taken to the download. If you still need help, let me know.

  6. Hello,

    I am unable to find the printable for the Would You Rather activity.

    I am signed up with the email mentioned below.

    Would it be possible to send me the downloadable directly?

  7. I hope this is the form you are referring to. My students love doing these each day as we are waiting to be dismissed. I just running out and these are wonderful.

    • I’m so glad you’re students love these questions. That’s a great idea to keep them occupied while waiting to be dismissed.

  8. Hi I am having trouble with printing if you could please send it in a email would be great. Thanks

    • It says you haven’t confirmed your email yet. Once you confirm your email, you’ll receive an email from “Wondermom Wannabe” with a direct link to the printable library where you’ll find the link to the printable above as well as all of my other free printables. If you do not see the email in your inbox within a few minutes, check your spam folder.

  9. Hi, thank you for this resource! My students enjoy would you rather games so it is great to have more questions for them. I had no trouble printing!

    • You’re welcome! I’m so glad your students are going to enjoy it. Thanks for letting me know you were able to print it. Thanks for leaving such a nice comment.

  10. Please can you send the direct link for printing the Would You Rather questions. As have others, I have tried every which way to access this awesome resource but to no avail. I thank you for this fantastic resource collection but only wish the access to printable collections worked or was more obvious.
    Thank you

    • I’m sorry you’re having trouble getting the printable. I’ll go ahead and send it to you in an email.

  11. Hello, I am trying to subscribe and print. It is not letting me do either. Is there another way?

    • It says that you’ve subscribed to the email, but you haven’t confirmed it yet. Once you confirm it, you’ll receive an email from “Wondermom Wannabe” with a direct link to the printable library where you’ll find the link to the printable above as well as all of my other free printables. If you do not see the email in your inbox within a few minutes, check your spam folder.

  12. Can you help me access the printable? It keeps taking me back to this page.

    • There are 2 links that shows, one is for the printable link and one is for the post explaining the printable. The printable link will take you to the actual printable you can download (it is a pdf). The post explaining the printable link will take you back to the blog post. Make sure you click on the printable link to be taken to the download. If you still need help, let me know.

  13. I also can’t locate the link… it says the printables library can’t be reached.

    • I checked the printables library and I’m able to see it, so if you’d like to try again, please subscribe again. If you need help after that, let me know.

  14. Hello,

    I am also having a hard time finding the Would You Rather download. I did subscribe to your site. Can you help me?

    • There are 2 links that shows, one is for the printable link and one is for the post explaining the printable. The printable link will take you to the download. The post explaining the printable link will take you back to the printable. Make sure you click on the printable link to be taken to the download. If you still need help, let me know.

  15. Hi, having trouble with printable link. Please send via email. Thank you!

    • There are 2 links that shows, one is for the printable link and one is for the post explaining the printable. The printable link will take you to the download. The post explaining the printable link will take you back to the printable. Make sure you click on the printable link to be taken to the download. If you still need help, let me know.

  16. Hi I too am having trouble accessing the printable ‘Would you rather’. I cant find the link

    • There are 2 links that shows, one is for the printable link and one is for the post explaining the printable. The printable link will take you to the download. The post explaining the printable link will take you back to the printable. Make sure you click on the printable link to be taken to the download. If you still need help, let me know.

  17. I subscribed but I am unable to find the link for download? It just takes me to the article on Would you Rather Questions?

    • There are 2 links that shows, one is for the printable link and one is for the post explaining the printable. The printable link will take you to the download. The post explaining the printable link will take you back to the printable. Make sure you click on the printable link to be taken to the download. If you still need help, let me know.

      • I am having trouble figuring out how to download these cute questions. Could you send me the email link?

        • There are 2 links that shows, one is for the printable link and one is for the post explaining the printable. The printable link will take you to the actual printable you can download. The post explaining the printable link will take you back to the blog post. Make sure you click on the printable link to be taken to the download. If you still need help, let me know.

  18. I’m trying to find the download for Would you Rather and it keeps sending me back to the same page with no download l have subscribed and still not there.

    • There are 2 links that shows, one is for the printable link and one is for the post explaining the printable. The printable link will take you to the download. The post explaining the printable link will take you back to the printable. Make sure you click on the printable link to be taken to the download. If you still need help, let me know.

  19. I too am having trouble finding how to download the Would you rather cards. I subscribed and got the email but it just takes me back to this page.

    • I’m sorry you’re having trouble getting the printable. I’ll go ahead and send it to you in an email.

  20. I have subscribed to your email and joined the VIP. I can’t get to the would you rather questions. Can you send a link?

    • When I looked up your email address, it says you haven’t confirmed it yet.

  21. Sorry, would you be able to email this o me please as I am unable to find the link to the cards.


    • I looked it up and you’re not subscribed to my email yet, so you need to fill in the form above. After you submit the form, you’ll receive an email from “Wondermom Wannabe” with a direct link to the printable library where you’ll find the link to the printable above as well as all of my other free printables. If you do not see the email in your inbox within a few minutes, check your spam folder.

        • Yes, that’s the one! I’m sorry you’re having trouble getting the printable. I’ll go ahead and send it to you in an email.

          • Thank you very much. Your website is amazing

  22. I also like others can not find the link to download this resource

    • I’m sorry you’re having trouble getting the printable. I’ll go ahead and send it to you in an email.

  23. Could you please send me the would you rather questions as well? I’m having trouble finding the download link

    • I’m sorry you’re having trouble getting the printable. I’ll go ahead and send it to you in an email.

  24. I too am unable to download. Could you please email it to me as well? Thank you! Love your work.

    • I’m sorry you’re having trouble getting the printable. I’ll go ahead and send it to you in an email.

  25. I am having trouble downloading this file. Can you please email it to me? Thanks!

    • I’m sorry you’re having trouble getting the printable. I’ll go ahead and send it to you in an email.

  26. Same problem here. I can’t download the printables after I signed up. If you can email them that would be fantastic!

    • I’m sorry you’re having trouble getting the printable. I’ll go ahead and send it to you in an email.

  27. Please send me would you rather cards. the link did not work

    • I’m sorry you’re having trouble getting the printable. I’ll go ahead and send it to you in an email.

  28. Like others, I’ve signed up, but can’t get the link to download the WOULD YOU RATHER cards.

    • I’m sorry you’re having trouble getting the printable. I’ll go ahead and send it to you in an email.

  29. I would love to use these with my students at school. I signed up, but can’t find the link to download them.

    • I’m sorry you’re having trouble getting the printable. I’ll go ahead and send it to you in an email.

  30. I can not find a link to print this game. I have signed up, but it keeps asking me to sign up again.


    • I’m sorry you’re having trouble getting the printable. I’ll go ahead and send it to you in an email.

  31. Are the would you rather printables free? I cannot seem to find a way to downliad them.

    • Yes, they’re free. Fill in the form above. After you submit the form, you’ll receive an email from “Wondermom Wannabe” with a direct link to the printable library where you’ll find the link to the printable above as well as all of my other free printables. If you do not see the email in your inbox within a few minutes, check your spam folder.

  32. can’t get the access to the printables – just keeps taking me back to the sign up page.

    • I’m sorry you’re having trouble getting the printable. I’ll go ahead and send it to you in an email.

  33. Hi! These cards look amazing for our trip coming up! I am unfortunately also not having any luck. Could you email me the link also?!

    • I checked our email subscribers but I don’t see your name on the list. Did you submit your email in the form and then confirm your subscription?

  34. Hello, I don’t see a form to fill out. How can I get this printable?

    • We were doing maintenance on the site, but the form should be back now.

  35. Hello, I would love to print these out for a road trip we are going on. Did I miss the link? I can’t find it. Thank you!

    • There’s a form where you put your email, and then you’ll be able to download and print the questions.

      • I put in my email, received access, but there is no link. I keep being asked to sign up again

        • I’m sorry you’re having trouble getting the printable. I’ll go ahead and send it to you in an email.

  36. Grammy here, getting ready for Cousins Camp. These will be great conversation starters at mealtimes. Thanks for the help!

    • Oh good, I’m so glad your family will be able to enjoy these. Thanks for letting me know.

      • I’m actually having the same issue. Is it possible for you to email it to me as well? Thanks!

          • I am too! Could you please email? Thank you!

          • I’m sorry you’re having trouble getting the printable. I’ll go ahead and send it to you in an email.

  37. Thank you! I don’t know how you do it but you have a gift. Just printed out a bunch of your posts to help me as we just moved to a totally new town and your ideas have helped the transition!! Virtual hugs!!!

    • Thank you for your kind words. I’m glad my posts are helpful to you.

  38. Would it be possible to use your free products on my google classroom during school closures for the pandemic?

    • Absolutely. If you could please just credit my site for the materials, you can certainly share them with your students.

  39. These are so great, and would be wonderful when you’re waiting for appointments, restaurant, etc. Thanks for sharing.


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