Fun Card Games

to play as a family

Family card games are one of the easiest ways to spend  quality family time together. They’re inexpensive, small enough to bring  with you anywhere, and there are games for all ages. These are the  perfect indoor games!

All cards are dealt to the two players and kept face down. Neither  player must look at their cards. Both players turn over the top card of  their piles and put them face up in the middle of the table, beside the  other player’s card.


Old Maid

A standard deck of 52 cards is used, but with one of the Queens removed.  This leaves a pair of Queens in one color and a single Queen (the old  maid) in the other. All the cards are dealt, face down. It doesn’t  matter if some players end up with more cards than others.


Older children can use the whole deck of  52 cards, but younger children may want to use fewer cards. Make sure  the deck you use is made up of pairs. Shuffle and spread cards face down on a  table between the players.

Crazy 8’s

How to play: In a two-player game, each player is dealt seven cards. In a  game with three or four players, each player is dealt five cards. The  rest of the deck goes facedown in a pile, with the top card turned up  beside it. This is the discard pile.

Check out the full list of fun family card games below