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Self Defense Tips For Women To Stay Safe

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My family and friends will tell you I have an unusual preoccupation with safeguarding against personal attacks. Perhaps because my husband has been deployed so frequently, leaving me in charge of our home and family’s security, or maybe because I watch too much television, for some reason I am constantly on the lookout for potential threats and coming up with plans to combat them.

self defense

Consequently, I’ve done a lot of research on self-defense techniques so that I can protect myself and my family in the event of an attack. I won’t frighten you with statistics since my hope is that you will never be a target.  I do hope you will arm yourself with this information on how to ensure you don’t become a victim though since it will only take a few minutes to read.

Don’t be an easy target

The best self defense strategy is to avoid being attacked at all. Just as you shouldn’t leave your keys in your unlocked car in a parking lot to make it easy for a thief to steal your car, you shouldn’t make yourself an easy target for a mugger or rapist. Here are some things you can do to make yourself an unattractive target:

  • Walk confidently, be aware of your surroundings, look people in the eye.
  • Don’t be flashy with your money or belongings.
  • Despite your desire to get more exercise, skip the stairs if you are alone, especially at night.
  • Don’t wear headphones so that you can hear what is going on around you.

Don’t dawdle in your car

When you get into your car and fiddle with your purse or phone, it is easy for someone to hop in your passenger seat. When you are in a parking lot and get to your car either get in and leave right away or at least lock your doors once you are in if you need to put receipts or money away or make a call

Give yourself a chance to get away

As a woman, the chance that your attacker will be larger and stronger than you are pretty high. Rather than try to engage in hand-to-hand combat, do what you can to give you the best chance to escape.

  • Don’t hand over your item, toss it away from you. If the assailant asks for your purse, jewelry or wallet, throw it far away from you so that as he (or she) goes after the item you can run in the opposite direction.
  • Yell! If there are people within earshot, scream your head off. This will scare your attacker away because he/she will not want to be caught.
  • If your attacker’s intention appears to be violence or abduction, do what you can to disarm him/her. The more quickly you can react, the better because the attacker will be expecting you to freeze from fear rather than fight back initially. Target vulnerable body parts:
    • Eyes – Gouge the eyes with your fingers or car keys.
    • Nose – Drive your palm upward into the nose. Even if you don’t break the nose, it will cause a temporary blinding pain that will allow you to time to run.
    • Throat – A karate chop to the Adam’s apple will choke your assailant for a brief period of time, in which you can be running away.
    • Groin – If you see a shot, take it, preferably with a swift kick or knee. This move should double him over long enough for you to get to safety.
    • Knees – If you can get a good kick to one or both of your attacker’s knees, you should be able to disable him temporarily.
    • Use the hardest parts of your body to attack your assailant:
      • Head
      • Elbows
      • Knees

Do not leave the original scene.

If your attacker tries to get you to leave the scene where he/she originally approaches you, do whatever you can to prevent him/her from taking you to a new location. The new location will be a place he/she is sure no one will be available to help you so your chances of getting to safety will be significantly diminished.

  • If the attacker tries to get you to drive to a different location, crash the car. A crash will attract other people, hopefully driving the perpetrator to flee from the scene. It also gives you the opportunity to take your attacker by surprise so that you can get away.
  • If your attacker has a gun and threatens to shoot you if you don’t do what he/she says, run away (preferably in a zig zag pattern). You only have a 4% chance of being hit at all and odds are far lower that it will hit a major organ. 


Although carrying a weapon may give you a sense of security, think hard before deciding to do so. Remember, if you have a weapon there is a chance that your larger, stronger assailant will be able to take it away from you and use it against you. Also, if you attempt to use a weapon but don’t hit your target precisely, you will accomplish nothing more than angering your attacker and escalating the level of violence.

If, despite these considerations, you still want to obtain a weapon, please make sure you practice with it before you begin carrying it. You should be familiar with how the weapon works, know exactly how close to your attacker you should be in order to use it effectively, and be aware of how much (or how little) the weapon will disable an attacker. Pepper spray, for example, does not work the way that it is often depicted in movies. You must be fairly precise with the stream and it can sometimes take several seconds for it to take effect.

One final consideration when deciding whether or not to carry a self-defense weapon is legal compliance. Laws vary from state to state as to which items are legal to carry and whether or not concealed carry permits are required. Before purchasing a stun gun or pepper spray to carry with you, make sure you won’t be breaking the law.

Don’t be viewed as a victim.

If the unthinkable happens and you are taken against your will, do what you can to humanize yourself in the eyes of your attacker. Studies show that it is difficult for many assailants to commit violence against victims who they view as people. Do not grovel, beg or become hysterical. This behavior makes it easier for the attacker to view you as a weak animal. Try not to cry. Talk about your family and try to form some sort of bond with your attacker.

I sincerely hope that you will never need this advice. If someone ever does target you, I hope that this knowledge will help you survive the incident unharmed.

38 thoughts on “Self Defense Tips For Women To Stay Safe”

  1. Always try to flight before fight, you never know what the attacker will have on them (knives, guns etc). If you are leaving the house early in the mourning or late at night try to travel in groups.

  2. These are some great tips. Many years ago I did Karate and the basic tips you mentioned here are always the main focus in self defense. Whilst they teach you to ‘fight’ if necessary, the main focus is giving yourself enough space to ‘get away’. Everyone should know these tips and revisit them regularly!!

  3. This is a great article! Unfortunately, I am already an “unnatractive target” being that I am 5’4″ and almost 200 lbs. It’s all pure muscle though!

    I am still aware and worried though. I agree completely that you should practice these skills, especially with guns, mace and stun guns. My husband lets me pepper spray him and stun gun him in the yard so I can be prepared. The neighbors love the show . . .

    I also keep a machete in my car, because it’s scary looking and I can swing it around like a ninja.

  4. All women should know this. Hubby knows a little bit of martial arts so he teaches me and my daughter what to do just in case.

  5. These are helpful … serves as a reminder that we should be careful at all times. Don’t be viewed as a victim and don’t be an easy target are great tips. Excellent post as always!

  6. Thank you for sharing this information and it is always helpful to know something about self protection. I always have our door locked even when we are inside the vehicle. I am always paranoid that some crazy person might get in the vehicle and do harm to us or to our kids. Sometimes when we are traveling and my husband who’s driving has to go inside a building real quick, I always have the doors locked and with our car keys ready so if something happens I can also hit the alarm button to attract other people. I hope none of us will ever experience any type of danger, but just in case we know some things to protect ourselves. Us women definitely need to learn self-defense. Great article!

  7. Thank you for sharing this information and it is always helpful to know something about self protection. I always have our door locked even when we are inside the vehicle. I am always paranoid that some crazy person might get in the vehicle and do harm to us or to our kids. Sometimes when we are traveling and my husband who’s driving has to go inside a building real quick, I always have the doors locked and with our car keys ready so if something happens I can also hit the alarm button to attract other people. I hope none of us will ever experience any type of danger, but just in case we know some things to protect ourselves.

  8. it seems every guy already knows what a woman will first hit which is in between the crotch. one of the things that a woman can bring is also a small spray defense bottle.

    • True–so if they are protecting the family jewels, go for the eyes, nose, throat or knees. If you do decide to carry a defense spray, make sure you’ve practiced getting to it. It won’t do you any good buried in the bottom of your purse if you are taken by surprise. I keep mine in my jacket pocket in the colder months and in the cell phone pocket of my purse in the summer.

  9. one thing i have regretted that i have not learned when i was younger is learning basic self defense. i have been mugged before, a rusty knife pointed to my neck, they wanted my celfone, i felt so defenseless, i had to give it to them even if it was fairly new and that was my first celfone ever. but yeah it’s really good to know even the basics.

  10. These are such great tips, I was attacked once when younger and taught a lot of this in a class I attended after. I always back into parking spots so I can leave quickly, I walk with my keys spread out between my fingers just in case I need to hit someone and I run with my music playing from my phone without headphones so I can listen to everything around me. I am amazed at how many people run with headphones that block out noise. Thank you fro the great reminders.

  11. I must admit alone I carry my pistol, I could pull that quicker than beating him up 🙂 If I didn’t have my pistol these are great ways to defend yourself!

  12. Self defense is so important. My husband likes to show me some of the things he’s learned in the marine corps that would be great for me to know.

  13. Great information. My dad has always told me from little on up “be aware of your surroundings.” Many grocery stores and malls have an escort service to your car now, if you’re uneasy walking out alone at night.

  14. These are fantastic life saving tips! I think being aware at all times is key overall. I don’t allow myself to get distracted even in day light.

  15. Great tips! Don’t make apologies for always being on the lookout for potential threats and coming up with plans to combat them. That is an amazing skill, and who knows, you may have to put those skills into use someday. I hope not, but you might, and it is always, always better to be safe (and prepared!) than sorry.

  16. Thanks for the advice! I leave work at 10:30 PM through a nearly empty lot. It freaks me out and one of the older coworkers has been stopped! She was closing her car door and he stuck his hand in to stop it and told her she was going to give him a ride! She pushed him out and got away. Scary to think about in my own back yard so to speak!

  17. That’s great advice. I would never carry a gun b/c of what you said above. No doubt there. Thanks for the tips…you sure makes you stop and think.

  18. I whole heartily agree with “Don’t be an easy target”. I know it’s a little out of context, but I never understand how moms can let their kids run around in public (grocery store, starbucks) in their swimsuit or what I would consider half naked…you are making your child a target for an abuser!!!

    • Suggestion noted. Once I figure out how to videotape myself I might start posting some. I get too many comments from the peanut gallery when I have my family help. 🙂


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