Quick Bites and Bright Ideas for Busy Lives: Share Your Go-To Family Favorites, Tips and Trusted Products

Welcome to my cozy corner of the internet, where the oven mitts are always ready, the recipes are quick and delicious, and the tips and product reviews are genuine life-savers.

Our “Family Favorites” section is crafted with you in mind: the champions of breakfast scrambles, masters of the 30-minute dinner, wizards of the one-pot wonder, and the savvy shoppers who know exactly which products cut kitchen time in half.

Whether it’s a no-fail recipe, a game-changing kitchen hack, or a review of a must-have gadget, this is where your expertise shines and helps others navigate their busy lives with ease.

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Why You’ll Love Being Part of the Wondermom Family Kitchen

  • Unlock a Treasure Trove of Tried-and-True Recipes: By sharing your own kitchen victories, you gain access to a goldmine of recipes that are perfect for busy schedules and discerning little eaters. Imagine having a never-ending list of meals that are both quick to prepare and guaranteed to please.
  • Join a Circle of Support: Share stories, swap tips, and find solace in a community that understands the juggle of mealtime with a full plate of life’s other responsibilities. It’s not just about recipes; it’s about lifting each other up.
  • Celebrate Your Wins: Every recipe you submit is a chance to shine. See your name and creation featured as a go-to solution for moms everywhere, spreading your family’s favorites far and wide.
  • Save Time and Reduce Stress: This collection of quick, easy-to-follow recipes means you spend less time fretting over what to cook and more time enjoying meals with your family. Say goodbye to mealtime mayhem and hello to a new era of stress-free dinners.
  • Special Surprises and Rewards: Active contributors might find themselves on the receiving end of special perks like exclusive content, early access to new features, or even physical rewards. Your input is invaluable, and I love finding ways to show my appreciation.

Who’s Invited to Share?

Whether you’re the queen of quick-fix meals, the king of the grill, the grandmaster of family feasts, or the friend everyone calls for cooking advice, we want you in our circle! This community is about real meals for real life, shared by real people like you.

And hey, if you’ve got a blog where you’re already showcasing your culinary masterpieces, that’s fantastic! I have a special database just for bloggers. This is where I (and several of my blogging friends) pool resources for recipe collections and more collaborative projects.

If you’re interested in joining and getting your creations featured, please head over here to sign up. This way, we can ensure your blog gets the spotlight it deserves in our collaborative efforts.

To everyone else, we can’t wait to see your submissions. Your kitchen is full of untold stories and undiscovered delights.

Let’s spread the joy of cooking, one shared tip, trick, and recipe at a time. Welcome to the Wondermom community kitchen – where every contribution is a cause for celebration!

How It Works:

  1. Share Your Favorites: This page is your gateway to sharing not just those unbeatable recipes, but also the invaluable tips and product reviews that have made life easier in your kitchen. Whether it’s a quick breakfast that jumpstarts your day, a kitchen gadget that cuts your prep time in half, or a cooking tip that transformed your meals, if it’s simplified your routine, we’re all ears!
  2. Engage and Inspire: Vote on your favorite finds, leave comments with your own twists, and encourage others with your kitchen successes (and hilarious fails). Every meal is an opportunity to connect.
  3. Spotlight on You: The most loved recipes will be featured, giving you a moment in the spotlight. Plus, surprises are in store for those who truly embody the spirit of our community!

Let’s Get Cooking Together!

Let’s make every meal a chance to bring smiles, not stress, to the table. Welcome to your new kitchen companions!

Join us by submitting your first recipe, tip, or product review below.

PLEASE NOTE: All submissions will be reviewed before being published. If the submission does not adhere to my guidelines or does not fit the Wondermom audience, it will not be published. You WILL be notified at the email address you provide when your submission is published.

Submit a Recipe

This is the name that will be published with your recipe.
Please make sure your photos are clear, in focus, and 1200x800 px in size. For more tips on taking a great photo, check out our friendly photo guide at the bottom of the page.
Please provide a short summary of your recipe, focusing on what makes it unique and delightful. For example, 'A quick, no-bake dessert that’s perfect for summer evenings.
One ingredient per line
One instruction per line
Please add a few tags to describe your recipe, such as meal type (e.g. breakfast, dinner), main ingredients (e.g. chicken, avocado), special occasions (e.g. Christmas, graduation), or noteworthy feature (e.g. 30 minutes or less, kid-friendly, 5 ingredients or less). Separate each tag with a comma.

Submit a Cooking/Meal Prep Tip or Kitchen Product Review

Friendly Photo Tips for Sharing Your Creations

Capturing the perfect shot of your kitchen adventures is easier than you think! Here are some simple tips to make your photos shine, no fancy equipment needed:

  1. Find Your Light: Natural light is your best friend. Try to take pictures near a window during daylight hours. This helps make your dish or product look its best.
  2. Keep It Clear and Bright: Make sure your photo is in focus by tapping the screen on your phone where the dish or product is. This little tap helps your camera know what to focus on.
  3. Simple Backgrounds Work Wonders: Use a plain background, like a solid-colored table or countertop, to help your dish or product stand out. Less clutter means more attention where you want it.
  4. The Magic of Angles: Sometimes, the best way to capture your dish is from above, especially if it’s in a bowl or plate. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different angles to find what looks best.
  5. Size Matters: Please send us your photos at least 1200×800 pixels in size, but don’t worry about making them too big. This size is just right for us to share your wonderful contributions with the world.
  6. Authenticity is Key: We love photos that haven’t been overly edited. Show us the real deal, just as it comes out of your kitchen. The more genuine, the better!
  7. You’re the Director: Feel free to include a bit of your kitchen or a sneak peek of the cooking process. Photos that tell a story are always captivating.

Remember, the most important thing is to have fun with it! We can’t wait to see what you share.