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Get Organized Checklist for Your Bedroom

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Can you believe we are on Week 8 of the Get Organized series? Last week we tackled the bedroom closet in preparation for this week’s Get Organized Checklist for Your Bedroom. With the closet out of the way, the rest of your bedroom is going to be a breeze!

printable Get Organized Checklist for Your Bedroom

Your bedroom should be a welcoming retreat. It’s the place where your mind and body are restored each night and the space that will be the most personal to you.

Clutter in this room, more so than in any other room, can really impact your stress level and happiness. That is why a lot of our efforts in this room will involve clearing away visual clutter.


We’re going to start with the easiest spot first. Empty your nightstand drawers and clear everything off the top. Then, give the whole night stand a good wipe down inside and out.

Now throw away or find a new home for anything that doesn’t belong in your nightstand. On top of your nightstand, place only the items that must live there (e.g. alarm clock, lamp, telephone, the book you’re currently reading).

Next, assign each drawer a role and store items accordingly. For example, if your nightstand has 2 drawers you can use the top drawer for essentials and the bottom drawer for storage. Essentials might include:

  • Hand lotion
  • Lip balm
  • Flashlight
  • Journal and pen
  • Reading glasses


Unless your drawers are completely disheveled, you really don’t need to empty out the entire dresser. DO evaluate whether or not you are happy with how you are using the available space. If you’re constantly looking for the right pair of socks, consider getting a sock organizer.

Do you have a drawer you haven’t opened in months because you don’t wear anything in it? Empty it and donate the items and reallocate items there from a drawer that is full.

Do clear off the top of your dresser and give the entire dresser a good wipe down. Then, like your nightstand, only return items that should be there. For me, this is a small bowl for spare change, a jewelry tree, and some framed family photos because they make me smile. Clearing away the clutter doesn’t mean you can’t have mementos lying around, just make sure they are arranged in a way that is purposeful and aesthetically pleasing.


At first, it might seem silly to organize our bed. After all, other than making the bed, what more can we do?

We can utilize all that space under the bed to store things out of sight. There are many under-bed organizers that are ideal for storing all sorts of items like:

I personally store gift wrap and sports equipment (my bosu ball and some free weights) under the bed. If your bedding set comes with a bed skirt, you can really keep the items out of sight. If you prefer not to use a bedskirt, consider camouflaging your under-bed stored items by keeping them in decorative baskets or plain storage containers that won’t draw attention.

Additional Storage

If you lack storage space in the bedroom closet or the linen closet for extra blankets, pillows and linens, a storage trunk is an idea. If you don’t already have one, considerone that can double as a bench so you also have a place to sit when you are putting on your socks and shoes.

My husband likes to hang his military “blouse” on a hook he installed on our bedroom wall. If you like to cover up with a robe when you wake up in the middle of the night, a bedroom wall hook is ideal for that too.

If you have a lot of jewelry, a tabletop jewelry tree or jewelry box might not be enough. Consider a jewelry cabinet to keep your pieces from getting tangled. Plus, ample storage makes it easier to select what you want to wear at a glance.

If you want to add some decorative accents to your room or keep some of your favorite mementos in places other than the dresser or nightstand, you can use wall-mounted shelves or bookshelves. Bookshelves can also double as extra storage for items that don’t fit in your dresser or nightstand by using baskets or bins.

Download the Get Organized Checklist for Your Bedroom

Ready to get to work? Print off the checklist below and check off each task as you complete it.

Click the image below to print or download your checklist.

printable Get Organized Checklist for Your Bedroom

Get Organized Checklist for Your Bedroom

If you are just stumbling upon this series, check out the other get organized checklists. Each week I’ll be sharing a new checklist for another area in your home so check back if you want to get your entire home organized this year.

2 thoughts on “Get Organized Checklist for Your Bedroom”

  1. Thanks so much for sharing this helpful article. I totally agree with you, decluttering your room can really lessen your stress level and makes you comfier and relaxed!

    • You’re welcome! I’m glad you’ve found the same thing, that decluttering makes you feel better. Thanks for commenting.


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